2 Pi tower / transmission line

I know this is out of the norm. I have a pair of Radford transmission line cabinets that I bought empty (no drivers), Since it will take just a little extra work before I install the 2-Pi tower system, I want to try and put the alpha 10 in this cabinet(orignally made for 10" woofer/low fs) and all I have to do to install the piezo is mount it on a board to go where a plate for the old mid/tweeter dome combo went. I don't expect much out of this, since TL design's usually don't work well with high-efficiency drivers, but since it will be so easy to put together just for the experimental - educational purposes, I just want to know what I might expect. The original tuning for the TL was 32 hz I believe from old magazines(Stereo Review Buyers guide) The size of the cabinet is with 10 % of the Pi tower cabinet, and given the dowels inside and such, will have close to equivalent Vb. Please remember, I am only doing this for curiousity and because it will be simple to install. I know I will be invoking the wrath of the "Politically Correct" for even thinking of trying this, but I learn more through experience than all the reading I can digest. Open to any and all opinions on this. Regards, Ron

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