Re: you guys are why the rat bike still needs rubber

Hi Sam,

I read a review on this from Thorston. He indicated that it was Very transparent. All in all it was a very good review for it. the review is online you should check it out.

I notice a little bit of noise from it in my system. I have also heard that in some cases the Ultravurve has some impedance issues with home audio. It is much more transparent when you uses balanced lines. I couldnt plug into it with balanced.

I havnt given up on the idea of using it. but right now I'm still aquiring amps so I'm trying to keep interconnects to a minimum right now.

As far as transparency goes while its in the system. The difference between just being turned on, and switching it to EQ mode with a flat plot is None! You cant tell any difference from switching the EQ off, or on with a flat setting.


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