Hello:Now I have the plans, and I'm going to build a pair of 2 Pi's this weekend. I have a question or two regarding the piezo tweeter.
Over the past few months I've managed to collect an assortment of these drivers from various sales and so forth. I was wondering if any of you have tried any of the other CTS/Motorola piezos in a 2 Pi? Models I have on hand that seem somewhat equivalent are: KSN 1016A, KSN 1025B, KSN 1056A and KSN 1038A.
I would be more than happy to use the KSN 1038 that is spec'd for the 2 Pi, but I like the look of the larger horn models.
Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated, and my apologies if this is a worn out topic at this point.
John B.
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