I have a couple questions about recent threads on this forum. first is active v. passive x-over. In my mind there are three possibilities here (besides the no x-over fr driver like i use now): passive after the amp, passive before the amps, active before the amps. It seems like everyone is saying before the amps is better than after the amps, but Bill/Till (are you the same person? why does wayne always call Till Bill?) are you saying active before the amps is better than passive before the amps? if so, why?also does the quality of the active x-over matter? I worry about having a tube amp and preamp hand built from boutique parts then running the signal through an $150 ss active cross (I am not trying to disparage SS directly, just am a tube guy) I have bought a couple circuit boards to build steve benches tube active x-over, which he describes as "The Tube (valve) crossover shown here is a 3 pole lowpass and highpass used for a 2 way crossover design. The circuit needs +150VDC and 6.3V filament power for its operation. The circuit is a modification of a unity gain non-inverting Sallen-Key circuit that provides 18 dB per octave rolloff characteristics."
the schematic is here: http://members.aol.com/sbench101/Crossover/xover.gif
the circuit boards here:
http://www.the-planet.org/active.htmdoes anyone have an opinion on this x-over and/or can anyone explain the pros and cons of active before the amps vs. passive before the amps?
thanks, Kevin
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