Apostles, Acolytes and Fellow Travelers

I made the comment a while back to the effect that many, if not most of the proponents of "analog" over "digital" had never, or seldom heard a vinyl record.
At one time St. Harry, followed closely by the rest of the sycophantic press decreed that CD's were overly bright and a whole folklore arose as to the superiority of vinyl until it became the conventional wisdom. So much so that the manufacturer's scurried around and spent the last ten years making CD players with filters that rounded off the digital details and lost a lot of the sound.
If vinyl means euphonic and lacking detail (which it doesn't) then I don't want it.
Audio catholicism (small "c") is represented by the brethren of our lady of I haven't heard it but it doesn't matter.
I don't know. I know I love to listen to my honky icehouse PA horns with a Circuit City mass market SACD player. But then..............

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