Small things....

Amuse small minds...heheheheh.
Ya it was funny, I left the 2 2226's I lent (sp) my buddie in his bins and bought 4 more 2226's , 2 for me and 2 more his other bins. When I put them in for him I noticed this weird discoloration on one of them around the voice coil connections. No big thing on a bin since you can't see the drivers (not till they grenade anyway) but on mine you can, as you know. So I was checking the other 2 I had at home to make sure there was no weirdness on them (there wasn't), anyway I tossed the box aside after taking the driver out and something rattled when it hit the floor, hmmmmmm I said to myself (only time that's ever happened, I swear!) that's weird I thought so I dug around and SHAZAMMMMMM, Chrismas in August.LOLOLOL.
I went to the wood store to buy some (sorry new topic) wood but they were closed, bummer, so I went to Home Depot to see if that big fancy smancy panel cutter could make straight cuts (my table saw can't I already know that much , and ya it's all the saws fault)!!!!!!! But they wanted $1.00 a cut!!!!! Forget that I said to the all department specialist, I'll wait till my fav mom and pop operation is open since they will dice it and slice it for free. Big stupid box store! So anyway the 4Pi's will have to wait another day ....sigh.....

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