In Reply to: What I'm hearing from 3677s in place of Theatre 4??? posted by Till E. on August 08, 2002 at 16:15:41:
Hi Till E,
I have put the 2226J in the 3677 cabinet also. I used high pass 1.6khz like you also. I kept the 2418 horn driver with 2373 horn and used R2 = 15 ohm and R1 = 30 ohm with .47 ufd for attenuation. I run this on Marantz receivers 2215B(my favorite so far) and 2216B. I am going to test the 2238B I picked up recently and try it also. I found speaker placement made all the difference in soundstage and mid-bass/bass response(my 12' X 16' X 8' ceiling living room) I try and elevate 3-5" off the ground, 8-12" from back wall forming the best case triangular listening position I can with furniture etc in the room. If you cannot elevate the speakers off the ground, at least tilt back the speakers just slightly(door stop can give variable tilt). If your 2226 is too high off the ground, the sound will me slightly muddied in the mid-range. Too close to the wall, and it becomes very boomy(in my house at least). If you take the time to adjust these positional parameters, you will be rewarded with great sound. One last item, you will notice the porting of the 3677 is not same as 4 Pi-pro and removal of the foam from the ports is necessary. The porting issue is more for higher playing levels. I have amps in the 200 to 250 watt/chnl variety also, I have put them away because of the concern I have of losing my hearing. I have noticed that once you need more than 10 watts a channel in a home setting, you don't always hear the difference, but my ratshack meter tells me its time to turn it down. My room is to small to play above 106 db levels and the 2215B/2216B give me that at the listening level. I have also thought about making the ports larger to equal the "true" 4 Pi-pro specs, but depth of cabinet makes me worry I might screw up the cabinets and make them useless. (I am lousy carpenter). I was going through my collection of misc speaker boxes and such. I found some 15" 3-way cabinets I bought from MCM some years back that are 3.47 cu' internal that I want to use to make my 2226H/2418/2373 4 Pi-pro 8 ohm. The dimensions were withing 10 % of Waynes proper dimensions, and the added bracing I will add along with the proper port should make them right on the money. I do have one question for Wayne, could I make 2 ports instead of one so I could center my horn directly above the 2226???? For Till E, please let me know your results even if you do not agree with my thinking here. Thanks, Just my $.02 cents worth.
Thanks, Ron
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