Алексей Григорьевич Квашнин

Thanks Bill, and to all the rest of you who have written such kind words this last week.

Alona's and Alex's fathers name is Алексей Григорьевич Квашнин, which is Alekcey Grigorevich Kvashnin when transliterated into English. Alona's brother Alex (Jr.) also posts on this forum from time to time.

Alekcey Gregorevich was 70, and would have been 71 this past Friday. As you might realize, this meant that he lived through WWII - which was no easy thing to endure for him. Several of his brothers were killed in this war, and truly all Russians suffered tremendous hardship.

Alekcey was a trainer for athletes, and managed a very large sports complex in Southern Russia, which is now Ukraine. Even at the time of his passing, he was a very robust man - truly built of steel. It was certainly a shock to everyone in his family because his passing was sudden; In his sleep.

Alekcey is survived by his wife Nedezhda Cergeevna, who is here in Tulsa with us now. He also has two children, my wife Elena Alekceevna and her brother Alekcey Alekcevich. Alona and her mother will return to Odessa in early August.

We all thank you very much for your kind reflections in this time.

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