I have a pretty good understanding of amplifiers and I can weed
thru the baloney but I'm curious on what your thoughts are
on amplifier selection for high sensitivity speaker systems
whether horn loaded or not.I'm going to break this down into some categories.
Your thoughts on each category.
Tube amplifiers - Does it really sound better for mid to high freq?
I have no opinion.Consumer grade amplifiers - Technics, Sony, Aiwa, JVC, etc.
Is it junk ?, I think so. Weak power supplies and output stages.One step up from consumer grade amplifiers - Denon, Onkyo, Marantz,
Elite Pioneer, Yamaha, etc. I think this stuff should be the normal
consumer grade stuff, it's worth the money paid I think.High-Fi/low end exotic - Parasound, ATI, Adcom, Anthem, B&K, Rotel,
etc. I think some of this stuff starts to resemble good circuit
design with beefy circuits (transformer/output stages), probably
worth the money paid.Exotic - The field is wide open, Krell, Passlabs, Levingston,
Conrad Johnson, Bryston, Jeff Roland. blah blah blah ........ blah blah. I find it hard to justify paying $10k for 200w/ch amplifier - heheh I'm sure they are fine amplifiers, construction, circuit design, but god-aweful expensive.Prosound - Interesting, seems to give a nice bang for the buck.
Crown, QSC, not sure about this but Cinepro, who else?
Sonically, what is wrong with using these in a home stereo ?Esoteric - Bob Carver's Sunfire - The controversial designer
has done it again with his new innovative tracking downconverter
(patented) power supply. I read his patent and I'm amazed at the concepts.
My real issue is whether this design can power subwoofers as well
as a similar amplifier in it's class. In theory, it should outperform
many amplifiers in it's class for mid to high frequencies due to
it's high dynamic power capability (handing transients).
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