Re: adire vs pi

Thank you George, like all of the Celtic Race I love being flattered. :-) You can now count on me for anything including 2 votes in any election.

I'll tell you George, at Merrilville I spent most of my time chewing the fat with people, not listening. I did have the ServoDrives all to myself while everyone else was listening to Dan Wiggins' lecture and I cranked them up with Rush, ZZ Top and the Sex Pistols, oh yes. And I listened to Don's VOTs and Kurt's little Fostex dipoles some. But I never even listened in the room with the Adires and Pis. Nor did I listen to the Pis in the Adire room at Lima.

I take no sides on horn speaker preferences; Pi4s, ServoDrives, JBL, Altec, Klipsch--whatever. The good ones share common virtues; clarity and dynamics. I like for this horn thing to be inclusive, oh a little ball-busting is fun, but I think us hornys oughta stick together. We've more in common than not.

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