
>I've run into this before. If the amplifier can't damp the system
>well enough, back EMF causes the tweeters to oscillate - making that
>chirping sound. I've found it to be the case with woofers having
>high inductance voice coils, even on amplifiers with good damping

yeah, I just didn't think it'd happen with the Alpha's.

>Try connecting the woofers in series, so that load resistance is
>raised. This will also raise inductance, but since these woofers are
>known to work well with piezos in most cases, you may find a
>solution in this.

He is really going for max output, so parallel to series is a 6db hit.. final resort, if it even helps.

>You could also use a single compression driver to replace the
>piezo's, if no other solutions are found.

The cabinet is already built, no room for a compression driver, really.

Hmm... how about a second order low pass right when the piezos come in around 4k?

I read all of the previous posts about it... good info. I hope I find a solution.

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