Wayne, your opinion please.

If/when you have time, would you please look at these numbers for me? I want to know if you think this driver is suitable for Pi alignment, or is it crossing the line into mudmotor/loose woofer territory. I am not a sub fan but this is interresting. I would likely cross @ 70Hz to a kappa or omega 12" if I get these subs. (friend says box is too big, I told him to let me check it in boxplot before he bought them. Ha! now he wants to sell CHEAP!)


18" Eminence OEM Subwoofer

Fs: 26.6 Hz
Vas: 15.0 Cu. Ft.
Re: 2.95
Qms: 12.06
Qes: .41
Qts: 0.40
Bl: 13.87
SPL: 98 dB 2.83V/1m
Sd: 180.8 sq.in.
Xmax: 7 m
Mms: 159.4
Magnet weight: 90 oz.

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