Midrange in Pi 7's.

Hi Wayne.

I bought some midrange speakers to put in my Pi 7's. Adding the midranges was a suggestion you came up with at one point. If I'm following it right I'll end up with a horn bottom and top end and a standard midrange. A probability will be the midrange gets drowned out by bass and treble because of the horn loading. The advantage is I get the clearer midrange I'm looking for.

I picked up some PHL 1660 6 1/2 inch midranges. ( http://www.phlaudio.com - choose site map - 6 1/2 midrange if you're interested) These are speakers you probably aren't familiar with and you're thinking what the **** did this guy get himself in to. They have an SPL of 97 so are fairly efficient and are good for 250 watts (EAS) All other numbers (eg. Qms) seem close to the Emminece too. I don't know that it matters though since I'm not using these in horns.

I'd like to do the crossover at 500 - 3500 hz. This leaves the Emminence doing what it does well (bass) and let's most of the vocals fall to the PHL's.

I was thinking the speakers would potentially be bass heavy. The Emmenience Delta 15's run 101 SPL and corner loading probably adds another +6 db from what I read. I figure I'll probably want to run an L-Pad on the top end to tone it down. From what I've been reading L-pads are used mid-range and top. Can you use them to cool the bottom end down too?

I hope you're getting the nicer weather we're getting in Ottawa. It's great that it's finally here.

Thanks in advance,


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