Re: Pi & Berning ZOTL

I don't have PI speakers, but have experience with the ZH-270 and Siegfried 811-10 with a JBL 4344Mk2, a big 4-way monitor built from parts similar to those in the PI-4 pros. This JBL has lower sensitivity (93db/W) than the PI speakers, but MAY be comparable to the PI-4 pro in terms of impedance peaks at bass driver resonance. Anyway, both amps work great with it. The ZH-270 just delivers the goods and will recreate undistorted live jazz band sound levels in a home setting. (The neighbors did complain about that.) The Siegfried plays reasonably loud without strain and does so with greater finesse across the spectrum: better bass articulation, more intelligibility in voices, finer details in cymbals, you name it. I would expect that results with the PI to be even better given the higher sensitivity. Amazingly, Siegfried is more dynamic sounding than the ZH-270, and offers, to my ears anyway, a more natural presentation. The only PI I would worry about matching with Siegfried is the Pro, since Z-max is considered high for a lower power SET, but 10W is probably enough (Wayne warns PI prospects not to use the pro with 2A3s). The ZH-270 will be loafing on the PIs, any model. If you do go for the Pro and Siegfried, let me know how it goes...I might do the same some day.

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