In Reply to: Re: Thanks, you make a very strong agument for this driver! posted by Crazy Dave on May 11, 2001 at 13:36:18:
My Pyles are some older models, MH1560, no longer catalogged, at least not under that number. These are 15" musical inst / PA woofers.I have used these in several cabinets and with several horns. But the easiest to use, by far, are the CTS-Motorolas.
The 1188's I have sound very good. Yes, I wish I had a response graph to look at, but my ears tell me they are just fine.
According to what I found on the CTS site, and talking to Mr. Moleski today, wire a 20 ohm 10 wt resistor in series with the 1188's. The 1188's also have the same Powerline protection circuit as the KSN1165, 1142, etc. The various 1800 hz Powerline drivers need no outboard resistors, or other parts of any sort.
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