Wayne has mentioned before, and I can confirm from exprience with my own theater 4's, that they do best in 1 corner. It doesn't matter if it's away from the floor and in the room corner, or sitting in the floor corner against the wall. I have tried a double corner (floor & wall) and I got monster bass that was a bit too much (but fun). I was not happy with them out in the room either. They do real nice with woofs 18" off of the floor and in a wall corner with horn @ ear height, but I opted for angling the face to fire the horns up at my head using some adjustable spikes I had in the junk drawer. It is subtle, maybe just the very top end brightens up a touch, as the horns do about 20 degrees above the vertical centerline real well. I found the angle or height trick real handy because I walk close by them a lot. Again the difference is not big.

My room is average I guess. I can tell you that the worst I have gotten them to sound with placement was still great. I am about 3 dB down in the mid 20's with room gain and my current seat position helping out. These speakers are so close to flat in room it is silly. I can hardly believe it, but it sure is nice. You will have to move them and you a bit to get the flattest bass. (room response be damned)

I think you will be real happy with them.

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