4 Pi questions

Hello all,
Being as it's a rainy weekend and the far better half is out doing stuff I decided not to wait for the Eminence Delta 15s to arrive and started in on the boxes. I know it's risky, because if I botch the woofer holes she may unkindly remind me of the measure twice cut once thing. So two questions:
1. What is the outer diameter of the woofer and the depth of the flange? I want to mount them flush and pretty tight.
2. What are the ramifications of putting the port on the back? I've got the hole cutter chucked in the drill press ready go.

Thank you very much.


BTW, now that the boxes are together I think that 8-siding them cut down on the visual size, they don't look as big as I thought they would. Pix coming.

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