In Reply to: some more 2035 data, and NEW jbl link posted by Sam P. on May 17, 2002 at 06:03:47:
I know what you mean about the bass response. You are correct from 250hz and below. I have one very good position in my room I use for measurements. I have an idea from prevoius measurements on other speakers what the room is doing but like you said they are references and not absolutes. I always use another speaker as a reference tool from the same position in the room. I just swap them out to make the measurements. The driver spec. sheet calls it 98 and 2 give you 100db in the 4638??? So there are 3 diferent apparent ratings for the same driver?? We have 97 +3 in the 4638, 98 0n the driver sheet and 99 in the 3677. What I am getting appears flat just below what I expected. You are right if it sounds good "Don't worry about it"Just trying to understand what is happening.
Thanks for your help.
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