In Reply to: driver with a fs/Qes>120 posted by Zeno on May 10, 2002 at 08:35:31:
Hi adam & freddy,Many thanks for the infor and advice
i intend to build the visaton MB 115/b bass horn with eminence driver, the visaton bqs 40 driver is reather difficult to obtain here in my country, i wrote to them but they did not reply, infact it would be to expensive to get them in from Germany, for the eminence they have the distributor here and i can get them at good price, beside i like the good old American sound.
i really have no experience with all this stuff but very keen to learn and experience with speaker especially horn speaker, from what i see i think the Kappa 15 is close to the spe of the visaton driver, i may be wrong.
i would really appreciate your help to realize my intention.
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