Re: A little TAD, Beyma comparison

From an electrical standpoint the drivers appear to be practically interchangeable, how this equates to real world performance I don't know. I'm mearly flirting with the idea that megabuck performance could perhaps be attained at a more attractive price. I've been toying with lots and lots of driver parameters in an attempt to better understand the mechanics of the speaker design. I'm attempting to squeeze the last attainable bit of performance from whichever motors I choose. I feel that Wayne's enclosure alignments will allow this and I want to select the motors that achieve all the criteria I'm desiring.

You are a Klipsch owner? I am a previous Khorn owner. Not since we parted ways have I heard that level of sound. My hopes when I first came across the Pi Speakers site was to get something close to the Khorns performance, but now I feel that if it doesn't surpass old faithful in every conceivable way that there's probably something amiss. Have you ever opened up your horns and looked what's inside? It's pretty amazing that they can sound the way they do with the "guts" they've got. I can't help but to think that with motors of a magnitude better quality, superior crossover components, and good engineering we're on our way to something special. Have you considered building some Pi Seven Cornerhorns so you can give us a blow by blow? Would be fun!

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