In Reply to: Re: as mentioned at HUG, the single driver website posted by JanB on May 03, 2002 at 15:56:56:
trying to characterize the 1 Pi as being in the same cheap category as ratcrap. The 1 Pi kit is over $40 per speaker in parts...average ratcrapcreation about $10. Made is USA vs. taiwan. Designed by a degreed engineer vs. "internet committees".
Instead of leading him down the damar path favored by ratcrappers, I suggested, "Why not build a proven design like the 1 Pi?". I wanted him to improve his chances of hearing "good sound", it's up to him whether to chase rainbows or follow physics. Had I seen all those posts at HUG, I would not have bothered trying to "help", he's got enough "INFO" now to stay confused already. Sam
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