Hi Wayne,I am still looking at your pi 7 and pi 4 designs. They sound like the solution I need for some live performance monitors. I will probably want to use your plans for those. I am still trying to figure out which direction to head for studio monitors. What I am trying to figure out is whether I would want to use the Lowther Oris horns or some high-quality compression drivers. At $1200 each for the Lowther drivers, I am in the range of some pretty sweet compression drivers, such as the TAD's. The main thing I like about the Oris horns is simply the spherical horn. I have not heard any good professional controlled dispersion front horns for compression drivers. Do you have any favorites for 1" throat compression horns? I would also be interested to hear which horn Mr. Salve used for his TAD pi 7's. The TAD 2001 compression drivers can be crossed over below 700 Hz. Thanks for all the information.
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