Theater4 with 500c/hf-81/Foreplay-Paramour/ or zen?

Good morning,
I've just ordered the parts to start my Theater 4pi speakers. I,m currently finishing up a non pi speaker using the Alpha10 and ksn1038's tuned lower and in a larger box intended for lower power tube amps.
My question is I've heard great things about the synergy between the Theater4 and the Paramour, especially with some mods to the Paramours, would this be the match made in heaven?
I have several choices, my Fisher 500c is fully restored and has a lot-o-balls, I have recapped my newly aquired Eico HF-81 and it still needs to be retubed but it already shows great potential with my Buschorn MKII's, but can't drive my 4ohm pioneer horns with any realistic volume I,m sure due to the load, I also have a unfinished Decware Zen that I would like to use with something but I realize may have limited potential (I also have some battery powered gainclones I'm working on and a Hafler DH200 I could use for party applications).

I realy Like the concept of a SET with the pi4 and would like to here from people that have one or more of these combinations, I listen to blues, jazz, rock, female vocals, as well as othe types or music.I have used many fullrange drivers in search or image and realistic midrange always at the expence of dynamics and the freqency extremes. What's the best comprimize?
Thanks for you comments
Mike H.

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