four Pi vs. Klipsch Cornwall

The Klipsch Cornwall is a great sounding speaker. In fact, I think it is Klipsch's best sounding speaker, maybe even better than the Klipschorn, almost certainly smoother.

But the four Pi uses better quality components, has smoother response, more uniform directivity and lower distortion. You could call me a proud papa, but I think it is a better speaker in all respects. The only place where the Cornwall may have a slight edge is bass extension, but even there, I think the four Pi is better because of its overdamped alignment that prevents it from becoming boomy even in difficult environments. Bass rolloff is gradual and smooth, with useful output all the way down to 30Hz (f10). This bass rolloff curve is a conjugate of room gain in medium sized rooms, so that is a useful feature.

In larger rooms or if you just prefer more bass, we have subs that can be used to augment the low end. A nice side effect of adding subs is it smooths room modes. The more bass sound sources you have, the smoother the modal range becomes because nodes are staggered and this averages the energy density throughout the room.

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