My new speakers arrived today

Couldn't show up at Lima with the Pi's the way they were: no veneer, one still dried glue covered, CH-3's hanging by a thread, exposed crossovers and Zobels; yuck!
The flat cut maple veneer went on easy with 3M #77 adhesive.
I used Bmar's suggested button heads for the CH-3's with finishing washers I got at Depot and painted black: outstanding!
Afraid for the veneer with transporting to the show, I put 3 1/2" square pieces of 1X poplar in each bottom corner.
There won't be time for a finish to cure so I'll take them raw and hope no one sets a drink on them.
Put the Zobel's inside the cabinet but the crossovers stay out, for now.
I got a digital camera and will post pics as soon as I figure out where the ON button is.
Maybe it's the maple, maybe it's the squares on the bottom coupling them to the floor in a different way but the Pi's now sound more detailed, have more of the infamous "air" and are a little more forward with a wider and deeper soundstage. Not quite the same "live" character, though. Not sure which Pi I like better. This one's a little more "audiophile".You can still hear all of an orchestra and a small club like "Blues Alley" sounds like Blues Alley.

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