Have to tell you about this veneer

The fancy quilted maple veneer I used on the 4's was a screwed up mess! Kicked my ass. It would have taken hot hide glue to make it right. I tore it off the cabinets. $150 shot!
So I'm cruising E-bay and do a search for veneer. Here's non-backed veneer, furniture grade in 25X80 sheets and the bidding is going to be maybe 0.60/ft! I win 110 sq ft of white maple and 55 sq ft of Honduras mahogany (gorgeous) and pay about $70 with freight.
Vendors ID is 'woodforyou'.
I used 3M '77' spray adhesive and got results almost as good as contact adhesive on paper-backed veneer. Without the fumes. A little tear out but not too bad. Had to clean the gunk from the bit after every pass.
Just an FYI.
I finished one speaker today in the maple. How many of you think I ought to do the right channel in mahogany? Hands?

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