finishing Theater 4s... questions

The boxes are together, holes are cut, braces installed. I've just got to sand some wood putty and do the "finish" work. Then we come to the crossovers and compensation networks. Okay, it's time to prove my ignorance. I'm a first-time speaker builder, and I'll admit that I'm a "tab A into slot B" kind of guy. After searching through the archives, this is what I've come to understand needs to be done. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

1) I understand how to solder the tweeter compensations "block" together, but I've got a dumb question. Does it matter which leads go to the positive and negative posts? I believe I read that Wayne was hooking the silver wire to positive and the gold to negative, which is backward from what I've always figured.

2) I think this is how the woofer compensation/crossover connecction is supposed to work: One wire goes directly from the + (or - ?) post of the crossover to the + (- ?) post of the woofer. Another wire goes from the opposite post of the crossover to one lead of the resistor (R3), out the other lead to the capacitor (C5), to a wire connected to the other post at the woofer. Sound right?

With all the time I've already put into these things, I just want to make sure it's done right.

One last thing for Wayne: since I'm this close, do you think I could get some Pi symbols sent to me to be proudly displayed on the front? Also, have you got any problem with me painting the symbols gold? (You'll see why when I get the finished pictures)


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