Wayne,Last year was fugly in a financial way, but this year is coming out a bit better and my friend is willing to start building a pair of 10 Pis. Unless everything goes in the crapper again, this might really happen this time. I am excited, it will be my first chance to hear these guys in the flesh, so to speak.
I noticed that JBL Pro has a 'tent sale' where a person can buy a pro audio piece of gear with the desired motors(such as 2226's) in it for half the price of buying single units. If you know about this, can you comment on the wisdom? Obviously there would be some de-installing work to be done to scavenge the parts.
Also, just wanted to let you know that I think Romy is a boob, and his manners are not acceptable in my book. I have told him so myself, in replies to his mudslinging posts. You yourself are remarkably unflappable, so I understand what extremes this thread drove you to. I think you behaved better than I would have, in the same situation.
I wish I were technical enough to critique your crossover document, but all I can do is say I've read it but don't understand it. My bad. I would hope to not need to understand it so much as to be able to tap into the expertise that created it in the first place.
But, having buttered you up like that, I gotta say, if you haven't heard horns driven by a good SET, then you are still a virgin, so to speak. This was a life-transforming event for me, whether they (the tube amps) are 'high distortion' compared to SS or not. There is surely something magic about tubes and horns. 'Nuff said.
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