Crossover Doc Spcie models


Thanks for the info.

I'm probably not doing something right.
I used your exact spice model in the crossover doc for the Delta 15 and the psd2002 with a simple firt order butterworth.

I put the current source across node 5 and 0 like you said, and measured the voltage at node 6 and 1. I get something cloe to yours, but not quite the same.

Here is the spice model...

Delta 15 and PSD 2002 with 1st order Butterworth

! First order network
L2 5 6 0.6mH
C2 5 1 16uF
! woofer virtual circuit (Eminence Delta 15)
! voice coil reactance
R3 6 7 6.9
L3 7 9 0.86mH
! mechanical reactance (40Hz, Q=6.56)
C5 9 0 400uF
L5 9 0 40mH
R5 9 0 65.6
! tweeter virtual circuit (Eminence PSD2002)
! voice coil reactance
R4 1 10 6.6
L4 10 11 0.1mH
! mechanical reactance (on H290)
C6 11 12 20uF
L6 11 12 2mH
R6 11 12 100
C7 12 13 10uF
L7 12 13 1mH
R7 12 13 100
C8 13 0 5uF
L8 13 0 0.5mH
R8 13 0 100
R9 11 0 20
C9 11 0 50uF

I 5 0 AC 1

And the link is the graph I get.

Am I doing the graph wrong.. I expected it to be exactly like the one pictured, I tried different voltages, but of course I get the same thing, just a little up the scale.

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