In Reply to: Re: kappa 15lf vs kappa 18 posted by Colin Fritzke on March 13, 2002 at 17:10:59:
Hi Colin!I'm sure it was just a "slip of the tongue," but I felt the need to point this out so the Theater four π and Delta 15 owners don't have a panic attack.
I think what you meant to say was the follwing:
You might remember that for a brief time, I was seriously considering using the Kappa 15LF instead of a Delta 15 for a modified set of Theatre Four Pi's. I changed my mind when I saw that the Kappa 15LF has some nasty peaks in the frequency response above 1.6K. It really should be crossed over below 1K, which means it wouldn't mate well with the Eminence PSD2002.
Response curve of Eminence Delta 15
Just thought I'd point that our, for clarity's sake.
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