Listening to Theater 4's and Wayne's Bracing Photo

I have been listening to the Theater 4's now for about a week or so but only for maybe 10 hours altogether. Love the clarity, dynamics, and bandwidth. My only complaint was a minor one, I was getting a bit too much warmth in the nether regions esp. on certain recordings. I was assuming that some of it might be due to the need for additional break-in of both the speakers and the new Paramour amps.

Sunday, I was having a few audio friends over to show off my new stuff, all are Bottleheads with modded Paramours, Foreplays, Soliloquy and Audio Note Speakers. But on Saturday Wayne posted the interior photo of the Theater 4 showing his bracing scheme. Uh oh! I left out two of the cross braces. I had only put in two running front to back in each cabinet. So..., Sunday morning I headed into the shop to mill up four more braces, home again to pop out the drivers and glue and screw in the new braces before my friends arrive. Finished with a few hours to spare.

Anyway, to make a long story short, now the speakers have lost the annoying warmth though are not at all dry. An unsuspected bonus is that, with the removal of the low resonance, there is now more apparent high freq. extension! So the Pi's now sound unequivocally beautiful!

So, Wayne, thanks so much for the very timely posting of that photo! and add it to your published assembly documents!


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