quick "test"

Just had to check the bottom end of these 2035H's. Referenced to 100 Hz., the F10 is 45 Hz. The "as built" net Vb is 2.5 cu. ft., 14 sq. inches of port (two 3 inch dia. tubes) x 3 inches long...guesstimated initial Fb should have been around 50 Hz...but measured Fb is 42 Hz...

implying the 1.2 cu.ft. of R13 installed in each enclosure has "enhanced" the internal volume considerably...just the rear wall, and most of the sides are covered...spaced 1 inch away from the inner walls.

Less 'glass, or shorter port tubes??? What the heck, jbl tunes 'em to 40 Hz. anyway, but unless my Fb is 54 Hz., my tuning won't be as specified for "Pi alignment"...Sam

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