Wayne, comment on Delta lower mid-range?

I've said from the start that the only nit I could pick with the theatres is something in the lower mids. And I think I've got a handle on it.
Been tube rolling and modifying the Foreplay and Paramours and they're now really clean. What a synergy betweent SET's and Pi's!

But where there are discrete notes, as in classical guitar, the octave from about middle "C", 360 to 622Hz seems 'muffled' somehow.
There is the same distinct sound of finger on string heard above and below but the 'ring' is missing.

I no longer have my freq. resp. graph that came with the Deltas.
Is there a dip there?
If so, some way to compensate?
Will the Theatre Pros improve on this?
Am I deaf in the mid-range?

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