Wayne-First, let me thank you for your generousity. It's been a great education for me to comb through these archives.
I am interested in your pro-series PI speakers for an "ultimate" home system some day. I notice that HF response is rated through 16khz. Is response beyond 18khz unimportant?
On my current system, which uses a 2405 for UHF through 22khz, I find that I like to use a supertweeter to "open up" the sound. The supertweeter is set to cross over at 24khz at 18db/oct and is set 4db down vs. the 2405. (Other possible settings of the supertweeter, such as a lower crossover or higher contribution vs. the 2405 make the system unnatural to my ears.) I mention all this because it demonstrates to me that the UHF response is important.
Have you or others supplemented the main speakers with UHF drivers, and if so, what solutions have you found appropriate?
- Ken
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