In Reply to: Re: I'm just suggesting utilizing the posted by Adam on February 12, 2002 at 19:29:38:
that use passive xovers. I am working on triamping my main music system, but the HT, with five speakers, too much "gear" would be involved to go active. But I am "upgrading" the HT from 5 inch tall speakers w/ 3 in. woofers (all 5 of them!) driven by my dolby prologic 6 channel amp; to dual 15's for left/right, quasi 4 Pi pro's (single 15's) for the rear surrounds, and maybe will go EV 15W woofer, 8hd/T-25a mid, and t-35 tweet for center channel (basically a Khorn without the horn loading). Total of SEVEN 15's, and we haven't even gotten to the subwoofer yet. All around 100 dB sensitivity. And it was loud enough before, with the tiny speakers that were under 90 dB sense probably. One of those rare instances that "a fantastic difference" from the upgrade was audible...even in my neighbors living room...across the street...with their windows closed...just kidding. But with just the left/rights working (jbl 4648A-8's w/ 511 altec horns), on sat tv concerts, sound is so OVERWHELMING/NICE I want to buy albums from people I've never heard before, like jewel, bb and the fleck tones (INFUKINGCREDIBAL DRUM GUITAR), wife even sat thru Willie Nelson live from amsterdam (poor people there in the audience were so broke, some of them had to share a single, hand rolled cigarette!). Yep, I'm almost as enthusiastic as a new SET convert, and that says a lot. Sam
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