Us dummies need to stick together!

My network only looks a little like Waynes, but it works. The key to making it go was measuring the Ohms (Ohmage?) as I went along. Then making the hook-up to the PXBJR4XXII.6 crossover was a little tougher.

Take 4 resistors and make a 4 pack so they're parallel, touching and all 4 leads pointing straight out at each end of the group. Put a wire tie around all 4. Now twist together ANY 2 pair of leads at one end of the 4 pack. Go to the other end and twist together the OPPOSITE pairs of leads from those you did first. If you twisted A to B and C to D at one end, you twist A to C and B to D at the other. You should be able to measure 16 ohms + or - 10% at any point ON THE SAME END.

From end to end you should measure 12 ohms. And no, I don't know why except E=IR, which means that the hypotenuse can be squared.

Make another bundle the same way EXCEPT leave the twists at the A-B, C-D end twisted in such a way as they stick out parallel to the bundle.Set both bundles on the window sill to cool.

Now we get to the dangerous part. Attach a wire to each connection A-B and C-D, on one of the bundles. Make'm long enough so one can reach from the tweeter + to the resting place of the crossover and the other long enough to reach the tweeter, errr horn.

At the other end of this same bundle attach one lead from the capacitor thingy to each of the twisted pairs A-C and B-D, and solder. That would be one lead to one pair only. That guy Faraday, what a monster! His Farads were so big we only use 47 TRILLIONTHS of one for this job! And of course, as we all know, his cousin, Abner Faraday invented Baseball. How cool is that?

Now you take the other bundle, you haven't soldered anything yet, right?, and solder the A-C, B-D ends. The A-B pair of leads becomes a sorta kinda wire you put through the tweeter + of the X-over and the C-B leads go through the - terminal. Put the wire from the C-D of the first block through the + terminal. Put a wire that only goes to the horn negative through the Tweeter - .

Measure 16 Ohms from the + X-over terminal to the end of the wire running to the horn +.
Measure 0 ohms from the - X-over terminal to the end of the wire that goes to the - horn connection.
Measure 16 ohms from + to - tweeter terminals. (Your meter may jump a bit 'cause of the capacitor)

Now you can solder all the terminal connections.

Solder wires to the = and - woofer terminals of your Eminence PXBII-1K6 X-over and you're done.
You know not what awaits you, unless you're Tom Brennan and he didn't read this far.

BTW, if there's anything wrong with this construction you only have yourselves to blame for following an admitted moron over the precipice and you can certainly disregard anything I've had to say about the Truth and Beauty of Pi Speakers.

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