Well, time to settle some questions about driver sensitivity. Both systems were measured with the rat meter on a tripod, @ one meter, on axis w/ the upper driver, raw readings "uncorrected". Beckman dmm was used to measure 2.83 vrms at the speaker terminals, into the nominal 8 ohm loads presented. The lower 2035 was disconnected, so this is a SINGLE 2035H vs. DUAL 2226J's, both in identical 4508 enclosures, 8 cu. ft. tuned to 40 Hz.single 2035H:
50 Hz. 90 dB
60 Hz. 97.5 dB
100 Hz. 102.5 dB
nasty dip to 50 dB @ 235 Hz...floor bounce?
500 Hz. 102 dB
600 Hz. 102 dB
700 Hz. 99 dB
800 Hz. 99 dB
900 Hz. 106 dB
1000 Hz. 107 dBdual 2226J's:
30 Hz. 86 dB
40 Hz. 92 dB
50 Hz. 96 dB
60 Hz. 95 dB
100 Hz. 100 dB
400 Hz. 101 dB
500 Hz. 99 dB
600 Hz. 99 dB
700 hz. 100 dB
800 Hz. 82 dB jbl data shows a dip here also
dip at 810 Hz. to 76 dB
900 Hz. 100 dB
1000 Hz. 101 dBSo I'd call the dual 2226J's a 100 dB system TOGETHER...implying a single 2226J would be 97 dB? 94dB?
From 100 Hz. to 800 Hz., the 2035 is sure giving it's big brother a good contest. It's an honest 100 dB, 8 ohm driver. And appears to be fully capable of "keeping up with" my HT fronts using the 4648A-8's.
Fun trivia...I can hardly hear 30 Hz. at 86 dB, you can sort of sense it...but the 4648A-8 will blow out my bic lighter at 6 inches away from the port...lots of air moving with a single watt input. Sam has a headache, and I wore 32 dB ear muffs, guess my skull is thin and sound got inside anyway :(
How the hell much does jbl have to pay people to stand around and input 100 watts and higher into these things? I must be getting old. Like Leonard Cohen said..."my parts that used to play, now hurt me instead". Or something like that. Sam
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