In Reply to: Re: Questions for Till E posted by Garland on January 26, 2002 at 04:58:11:
OK, the magic is back. Ripped out the magnet wire and replaced with 14 ga. that I pulled out of the Home Theatre excess as it had been playing for months and there would be no break-in issues. Instant gratification!Now the upper mids seem a tad hot on Milt Jackson's vibes, for instance. So I'm about to put alligator clips on the woofer Zobel to, dare I say it, A/B it.
I think I mentioned before that Joe Bfttpslk is my patron saint? One of the 12AT7 in the Paramour has become microphonic AND I discovered that you can only R&R (remove and replace) the CH-3 lens a few times before the heads of the bolts dig away the plastic and cruise right down to the wood. Wayne, what do you think Peavey would do for me? Woe is me! Where do you get black oxide washers?
Oh yeah, I used the Eminence x-over and just added the network. Mills WW 16 0hm, 10 watt resistors and 0.47uF 450V Auricaps, though. And I only used one resistor as I knew it would be used exclusively with the Paramour and wattage wouldn't be an issue. Figured one resistor would sound better than eight! And why spend $2 when you can spend $12? I liked the Auricaps so much in the Foreplay against Solens that I didn't even bother trying anything else. Have to get some Auricaps for the Paramour outputs.
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