Re: 4 Pis at low volumes

I think the point to be made here (forgive me if I go in the wrong direction) is at a low reference listening level, the electrostatics will seem to be more natural, while using set of Pro pi4's, I would say they need a couple of watts to start cooking properly. I think electrostatics sound wonderful, but would never want to use them for any music selections that have high dynamics in the recording. If you listen to large bands/classical or any "high-impact" recordings, I think the electrostatics just don't fit the bill. Listen to a well recorded marching band selection on a set of Pro pi4's at a realistic level (same as what the band would sound like live) and the electrostatics could not recreate the feeling. (If you tried, the electrostatics would most likely self-destruct) Once you have heard a good pro sound system from most of the high quality manufacturers, everything else sounds like a transistor radio. Yes the Jbl 2226's need a few watts to start really performing, but when they do, I ask myself, Is there anything else for me????? (no brainer for me, only hope my ears hold up, at 45 years old already have some tinninitus) Regards, Just my opinion, Ron

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