Theater 4 Pi Shopping List Questions (long)

I'd like to verify everything before I place the order to Parts Express. This may be annoying, but I like to be thorough. Also, if anyone ever wants to know, all the answers should be here. Please correct me if any of this is wrong.

(x2) Eminence Delta 15A 290-418
(x2) Eminence PSD2002-8 horn driver 290-442
(x2) Eminence H290 horn lens 290-554
(x2) Eminence pxb2-1k6 crossover 290-634
(x2) 8 ohm 100W non-inductive resistor 019-020
(x2) 20uF 250V polypro cap 027-436
(x16) 16 ohm 10W non-inductive resistor 004-16
(x2) .47uF 400V by-pass cap 027-458

Cabinets: I've already purchased the 3/4" MDF and 1"x2" bracing wood. I'll probably buy a Jasper Jig to cut the circles with my plunge router.

Binding Post: Any suggestions? Is a terminal cup necessary? What's good enough for Wayne is good enough for me.

Port Tube: I read in the archives that it would be okay to use 4"x4" PVC. True or false?

Damping Material: 2" fiber filler? What is this stuff? Does it have paper on the back like fiberglass? What's the model/brand so I can just ask for it at the building supply store.

Hookup Wire: I think that's what you'd call it (never built a speaker before). The stuff that'll go from the crossover to the drivers. Should I be using speaker wire? Any specific suggestions?

I think that should about cover it. Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance guys. I only knew enough to ask these questions after searching the archives, I just want to be positive before purchasing anything. Thanks in advance.


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