Re: Volume = capacitance; Restriction = resistance

Thanks Wayne.

I just went ahead and finished the thing up with glue. There is a moderate amount of bracing inside the box, but it sure as hell does the job. The front panel (a large 2'x2' piece right behind the woofer) doesn't vibrate even in the slightest at up to and including max volume, so I'll toot my own horn and say I did a damn nice job of bracing :)

I also polyfilled the speaker and glued it up for good. That baby isn't coming apart. It has indeed added a quality to the response that I can't yet put my finger on; I'm too distracted by my damn suspended ceiling vibrating. Things are looking really excellent, though. I should have the CH-3's on friday, and from then on it's all down hill, for the first pair anyway.

By the way, I don't know what kind of subwoofers you may have in your house, but I ran this first glued and braced ten pi cabinet in conjunction with my normal home music sub (15" woofer 5 cubes tuning of 30 Hz) and I must say it really added warmth to the sound. The bottom fill coupled with the good midbass output from the ten pi (yes I know about the panels resonating, I'll fix it!) produced a lower few octaves that I can't say I've ever heard in a speaker before. I'm so impressed with it, that I'm thinking about purchasing four tempests (the drivers I mentioned a few days back) to augment the bottom end in the same way I did here. It really creates a sound I like a lot. I won't exactly be doing stadium concerts, so output from the four tempests shouldn't be any problem.

I urge you to give it a try! I think it sounded really nice.

Anyway, things are going smoothly.


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