The review only Garland's been waiting for!

I just spent 30 minutes writing a review and then accidentally trashed it! I've got New York Dances-Mapleshade 03632 on the player and I can't stop rockin'! So here's the short version.
With the woofer attenuation installed today the bass is just as tuneful but not as in your face.
I didn't realise until tonight how talented Jane Monheit is but I've been listening to Natalie Cole and Ella Fitzgerald and she's right there.
Which leads me to say that the mids are just right, obviously, as female vocals are as clean as with my former audiophile speakers but with the immediacy, soundstage and room filling sound I now enjoy.
Night and day difference with the Paramours 3 watts SET.
Images are where they belong, they are high, low, front back, layered, realistic size. But you do have to close your eyes.
Oh man, this guy Jack Jeffer's Rocks!
Oh yeah, I took the crossover outboard today with another set of binding posts. Backed it with Ear Isodamp. Re-wired it with 26 gauge Radio Shack magnet wire. An audiophile touch. That's it, it's the Isodamp and magnet wire, that's the magic. Not the design.
Yeah, sure.
Jeepers, it's more fun than ever to lurk on Audio Asylum and Audiogon and tune in to "please help me spend $5,000 on speakers", or "which is better, the Pirandello with the ming silk tweeter or the von Runstedt's all silver and gold?" And then there's the certainty that horns sound horny or don't image, oh yes "I've got a little list, I've got a little list".
Junior Vega or the other guy on trumpet, what amazing chops! A touch of a young Harry James for sure.
The Paramours, besides having the BLUE GLOW, are doing something fine to the PI's. Just for kicks I put back in the solid waste amp. Yuck. Then I hooked up the Mission 731's 87 dB and maybe a pound soaking wet. If you only had $150 and didn't care about below 60Hz., not bad.
And fairly loud without distorting. 3 watts go along way when you're blue.
Oh and the Columbia re-issue of The Best of Taj Mahal, fantastic. Some of it's live, it's all great and sounds good, too.
Had that cookin' on random most of the afternoon while I played with the crossovers.
I tried unbacked veneer with yellow glue and an household iron. It kicked my ass! I'm a pro and it kicked my ass! Don't ever buy anything but backed veneer unless you're prepared to stink up the place with hide glue. Yum!
Well, this is anything but short but with the music playing at least I didn't have to pander to a bunch of audiophiles.
If anybody's still reading this, could you wake up Wayne and ask him to send the plans for the 7Pi Pro's. Thanks.

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