Re: 1st-timer w/ 4 Pi Questions (kinda long)

i'm kinda in a similar situation except that i have already built my set tube pre-amp and amps. i went with the bottlehead foreplay and a pair of paramour mono amps--for the money, i don't think you can find a better deal.

i am currently using a set of highly sensitive speakers specifically manufactured for set tube arrangements and really love everyhthing about them except that they are a little light on the lower end--I prefer more bass than they will provide. i don't really want a subwoofer (just cause, no real reason) so i have ended up about where you are--theater fours or thermionic fours. size is kind of an issure so i am leaning toward the theatre fours but i don't really want to take the plunge until i can be sure that that all important bass is present.

as for the set tube stuff (2a3's in my case) you won't believe how much "clearer" it sounds than ss stuff. and, i really can't say enough about the bottlehead product---they have a a great forum much like this.

anyway, good luck with whatever you decide--i am a total newbie that had never touched a soldering iron before so go for it!

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