In Reply to: Re: rc network with active crossover? posted by Mike Bates on January 08, 2002 at 07:54:06:
Hi Mike,Talking to Victor Sierra at VSAC, he showed me a prototype 500Hz horn with a special flare rate for the TAD TD-2001. Supposedly, a stock tractrix on the 2001 will limit HF response. BTW, this has been my impression in the past of the Edgar salad bowels, a little too down in the top for my tastes.
Anyway, I visually compared the the revised flare horn with a stock S/B 500Hz horn, and in the 2001 model, the throat appeared to be conical to about 2/3 the depth of the horn, with a faster flare at the mouth.
With the new flare, he said it was flat to 20kHz. Like to try it (as soon as I get some work!).
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