In Reply to: 3677s posted by mfong on January 11, 2002 at 12:51:08:
I log on to post about the 3677s x-over and here's MFong. Howyadoin!
Finished wiring up the 8 resistors 20 minutes ago, shoved the speaker into the TV room and fired up Armageddon. Crossed over to the Titanic sub at 60 Hz; nice!
I'm using the P.E. Eminence x-over at 1.6Khz with the 10uF cap removed as per Fearless Leader's instructions.
I had also noodled around with jumpers on the music system and found, as you did, that the upper mids (Ella Fitzgerald) was, if not a little bright, at least "tinny" sounding. The compensation network on the tweeter helped a lot. I agree that with the furnished cabinet the woofer probably needs the zobel. Be warned, though, that I haven't wired up the Theatre 4's with it so I don't really know it's (the zobels') effect.
I plan to use the 3677's as is with the Pi x-overs until I get done with the Theatre 4 zobel and veneer. Then I'll tackle boxes for the Home Theatre, using the 2226J's I got in the 4846 instead of the M115.Jeepers, I'm 86'ng the .357 from 92010 and ................
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