Which Pi with my Decware Zen Select?

Hi folks,

My system (Bottlehead Foreplay pre and Decware Zen Select amp) needs a pair of speakers. Seems like Pi speakers are pretty well regarded, but its awfully confusing to pick which speaker will fit my need best for Pi's long, long list.

My room is unusual in that it has two different ceiling heights. The room is 14' wide and 17' deep. The *back* 8' of the room has a ceiling height of 8' at which point the ceiling shoots straight up (no slope) to 18'. My speakers will be positioned in the front area with the high ceiling facing the area with the low ceiling where my sofa/chairs are. Hardwood floors, one completely glass wall on the side, etc.

I'm trying to keep a reasonable budget (<$700), but could be lured something more expensive if the sonics are significantly better. Resale value would be important. Secondly, I'd prefer a speaker which could play reasonable bass, even if my 5 watt flea amp isn't capable - yet (will be toying with Bottlehead's 2A3 amps later this year). Which speaker would y'all recommend?

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