Hey Garland, Hey Wayne. Hey everyone.........

Paramours are lovin' the Pi's and I'm, so far, knocked out about it. Foreplay with -20 to -50 attenuator is realistically loud at about 11:00 with 2.5 freakin' watts! Been playing a lot of piano music, so hard to get right. Patricia Barber, the Argerich Rachmaninoff Third on Phillips and even Milt Jackson's Vibes. So real! So cool! So good to have tubes glowing again after a few months of dreadful state!

2A3's and Pi's rule. Sure it's only been a few hours but whoever heard of a component sounding worse after break -in? There's something psycho-acoustic to think about!

Garland, did the UPS guy get yours yet? There are a few probs I posted on Bottlehead, but they go together easy and are really amazing. Now if I can only figure out how to stuff them in the box!

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