In Reply to: Hello Wayne Is the Compensation on 2370 same as 2342 0r 44 horn? posted by Robert Hamel on December 26, 2001 at 15:28:00:
Both the 2370 and the 2344 provide constant directivity, so they'll each need 6dB/octave compensation above 5kHz or so. This is provided in the Pi crossover, via the R1/R2/C1 top-octave compensation network. However, the 2370 and 2344 have different radiation patterns. I would not want the large vertical coverage of the 2344, because the energy is wasted on the ceiling and the floor, where it serves no purpose but to cause reflections. In addition to excessive ceiling slap, the vertical nulls are smack dab in the middle of the pattern, something else I would avoid. I prefer a narrower vertical pattern, with nulls placed outside the HF coverage angle. This is most natural sounding to me, by reducing ceiling slap and creating a nore uniform reverberent field.By the way, you can find information on those horns and many other things on the JBL website.
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