Wooden Horn Update

Hi Wayne,

Thanks for attempting to gather some info on the wooden horns. Details are few and far between. From what I've gathered the people who purchase these don't care about response curves or modeling software to design sound systems. It's more of a life long experiment to determine what sounds best. I have contacted Bruce Edgar directly and his advice is 650 hz. tractix horn (his smallest) for the 2426 driver. He recommends a 800 hz. crossover point, and would go no lower. He recommends a 25 mfd cap on the compression driver while using a second order network on the bass driver. I would imagine that we could utilize a round horn and keep our original crossover points and slopes. It then may be possible to experiment with various degrees of top octave compensation since we don't really know what's going on up there.... Or use a pair of 2370's with established measurements and be done or perhaps fabricate a pair of 2370 clones from wood, what do you think about that? Happy Holidays! Jerrod

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