This series/parallel thing is making me crazy. The archived posts between Wayne and Jeff and Mike with Wayne having an "Happy Gilmore" moment, yikes!
I got the new crossover schematic for the Theatre 4's, thanks Wayne, and understand the woofer zobel thing. But the tweeter network is beyond me. See "Happy Gilmore" above.
Once again, I currently have a 16 ohm resistor between the + and - posts of the tweeter output of the crossover and another 16 ohm joined to a .47uF cap between the + tweeter crossover output and the + tweeter.
At this point I don't even know whether I have an R2!
Could somebody maybe post a drawing showing the positions and values for an idiot like me? Or at least a "thigh bone is connected to the knee bone" type thing.
Thanks and Happy Holidays to all.
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